Whale sighting-watching off Samaná Bay in the island’s northeastern province of the same name is a highly exciting spectacle. It is here that, between mid-January and late March, thousands of humpback whales from the North Atlantic gather for mating and breeding season in the mild climate of the Samaná Peninsula.

To help safeguard these animals – declared a protected species since 1966 – in 1986 the Dominican Republic Government officially established the Marine Mammal Sanctuary in the area that extends north from Samaná Bay to the shallow waters of Banco de la Plata y de la Navidad (an area known as Silver Bank). This is one of the largest marine protected areas in the entire Caribbean. Based on studies by the Center for the Conservation and Eco-development of Samaná Bay (CEBSE), it is estimated that a population of about 17,000 individuals, more than 40 percent of the humpback whales found in the world’s oceans, can be found in the sanctuary area.
The activity of spotting ballenas jorobadas is regulated and protected by the Dominican Government with regulations under the banner of sustainability and full respect for the animals: in fact, humpback whales have long become a symbol of ocean life preservation.

The best way to enjoy the greatest wildlife spectacle in the Caribbean islands and get an up-close look at these gentle giants that reach almost 56 feet (17 meters) in length and 40 tons in weight is by taking part in a boat excursion departing from Samaná Bay. You can witness the incredible performances of male whales as they show off in a true competition of jumps, acrobatics, flipper strokes and dives. This amazing show is enriched by the venting from the whales’ back, which can reach almost 10 feet (3 meters) in height, and the persuasive courtship song that the male humpback whale intones several times.
Stay at our adults only Viva V Samaná by Wyndham and we will take you through this extraordinary experience. Don’t miss it!